Kiwi Office Has Trade Pricing!

If you run or own a business Kiwi Office can help!

CLICK HERE to sign up and SAVE now


We are aware that cutting costs and saving money are very important right now, so we wanted to let you know that we have Trade Pricing available for businesses. It’s a bit like Mitre 10 or Bunnings. We have found many businesses don’t know that they can get trade pricing on a huge range of office supplies, stationery, and other needs.

Check out the benefits below and email me back if you are keen. Set up is easy and you will get savings on every order!

Is Trade Pricing for all businesses?

  • Yes, you can be any size big or small.
  • Save up to 30% on our range of over 15,000 products online. *
  • No commitments to spend. Order only what you want.
  • Save every time with ongoing pricing, not just one-off specials.

Want an account with credit terms?

  • You can have one!
  • Pay by credit card or enjoy terms of payments of the 20th of the following.

Is the stock in New Zealand?

  • Yes, it is! we carry most items in our NZ Warehouse.
  • Everything else comes from an NZ-based supplier.

Is it easy to Sign up?

  • Yes, it is!
  • Simply CLICK HERE and fill in the details and send the email.
  • We will have you set up in no time.
  • You will be saving every time you order.
  • No more retail pricing or waiting for specials

Why Choose Kiwi Office?

  • 100% Kiwi Owned.
  • Specialise in Business customers.
  • Ongoing Trade Pricing.
  • FREE courier delivery over $70+GST.


Sign up now and we will give you an exclusive coupon code to take an extra 10% off on every order for the rest of the month! That is on top of the already great savings.

Simply CLICK HERE and SAVE now

* Please note prepaid postage is excluded as it is a retail-only price product