• A soothing, first aid hydrogel dressing for burns
• Cools burn area and removes heat while moisturising skin tissue to help minimise skin damage
• Helps relieve pain and protects the surface of the burn against airborne contamination
• Dressing acts by drawing heat away from the skin surface preventing the heat from progressing deeper into the skin
• If necessary secure the dressing in place with a conforming bandage, taking care not to apply too much pressure
• Allow the burn gel dressing to remain in contact with the wound for at least 30 minutes
• Safe for use on children and facial burns
• The sterile dressing contains natural antiseptic properties that help fight skin infection
• Dressing contains aloe vera, tea tree oil (melaleuca), purified water and thickeners
• The burn gel is soluble and can be rinsed off by saline or sterile water if necessary